Table of Contents - Site Map
- Introduction
- How do we learn about the past?
- Indians Before Europeans
- American Indian Perspectives
- Origins of the Middle World
- Creation of the World (Osage)
- Creation of the World (Caddo)
- Creation of the Sun (Tunica)
- The Daughters and the Serpent Monster (Caddo)
- How Tlanuwa Deafeated Uktena (Cherokee)
- Lightning Defeats the Underground Monster (Caddo)
- Chaos into Order
- Maintaining Order in Osage Communities
- How People Came to Hunt Animals (Caddo)
- Origins of Corn (Natchez)
- Origins of Fire (Cherokee)
- Natchez Sacred Fire
- Understanding the World Through Stories
- Caddo Creation Stories
- Story 1: Creation and Early Migration
- Story 2: Creation of Day and Night
- Story 3: Origin of Animals
- Story 4: Coyote and the Origins of Death
- Story 5: Origin of the Medicine Men
- Story 6: Lightning and Thunder
- Academic Perspectives
- Ice Age Migrations
- Paleoindians
- The Dalton Culture
- Archaic Period Cultures
- Woodland Period Cultures
- The Mississippi Period
- First Encounters
- Historic Arkansas Indians
- The Quapaw Indians
- The Caddo Indians
- Tunica and Koroa Indians
- The Osage Indians
- The Chickasaws
- The Natchez Indians
- Indians After Europeans
- Indians and Colonists
- Indians in the Old South
- Indians in the New South
- Indians Today
- Current Research
- Ancient Foodways
- Arkansas Novaculite Project
- Bruce Catt
- 3LO226
- Caddo Dance
- CARV Project
- Research Design
- Introduction
- Background
- Project Goals
- Previous Research
- Project Organization
- Arkansas Archeological Survey
- Caddo Nation
- Osage Nation
- Quapaw Nation
- Project Methods
- Collection Inventory and Analysis
- GIS, Remote Sensing, and Excavation
- Summary
- References Cited
- Project Accomplishments
- Project Initiation Meeting
- Memorandum
- NMAI Inventory
- Gilcrease Museum Inventory
- LSEM Inventory
- UA Collection Inventory
- 3YE347 Survey
- 3PP274 Survey
- 3YE25 Survey
- 3YE25 Tree Planting
- 3YE25 Geophysics
- 3YE25 Excavations
- 3YE347 Analysis
- 3YE25 Analysis
- 3CN213 Analysis
- Ozark Reservoir Analysis
- Lithic Raw Materials
- Year 2 Project Meeting
- Writing Prompts
- Learning Exercises
- Indians and Animals
- The Three-Layer Universe
- Trade Goods
- What is a Map?
- Frontier Exchange Economy
- Creation Stories
- Children of the Middle Waters (Osage)
- Origin of the Middle World (Yuchi)
- The First People (Caddo)
- Origin of the Supreme Being (Caddo)
- Origin of Animals (Caddo)
- Origin of Corn (Natchez)
- Origin of Beans (Tunica)
- Origin of Fire (Cherokee)
- The Calumet Ceremony in the Mississippi Valley
- Marquette Account
- Gravier Account
- Du Poisson Account
- First Encounters: Cultural Perspectives
- Gentleman of Elvas: Chapter XXII
- Gentleman of Elvas: Chapter XXIII
- Gentleman of Elvas: Chapter XXVI
- Gentleman of Elvas: Chapter XXIX
- Gentleman of Elvas: Chapter XXXII and XXXIII
- Ritual Analysis
- Caddo Harvest Ritual
- Natchez Harvest Ceremony
- Smoking Ceremony from the Songs of the Wa-Xo'-Be (Osage)
- Transcending Themes
- Project Background and History