The State Archeologist is involved in all aspects of public archeology from site reporting to liaison with the public and local, state, and Federal agencies, to public education and outreach programs. The State Archeologist oversees the Survey’s collection and records management activities, encourages the nomination of archeological sites to the National Register of Historic Places, and promotes guidelines for archeological research in the state. Outreach activities include overseeing the development of educational materials, assistance with exhibits and other public information products, and work with the Arkansas Archeological Society.
To contact the State Archeologist:
Dr. Melissa Zabecki
2475 N Hatch Ave
Fayetteville, AR 72704

National Register

A daytime photograph of the D.N. Edmiston House in Cane Hill, Arkansas.The National Register of Historic Places is the country's honor roll of important historic sites and properties. Archeological sites like mounds and campsites, and historic cemeteries, can be eligible for the National Register, and the State Archeologist will work with land owners interested in having their properties evaluated for nomination.
National Register nominations are submitted to the State Review Board that votes on which properties in Arkansas will be submitted to the National Register office in Washington, D.C. for listing. To see a list of buildings and properties in Arkansas that are already on the National Register, visit the Arkansas Heritage website.