Kathleen Cande (CO) and Mary Beth Trubitt (HSU Arkadelphia Research Station)
For several years in the early 2000s, the Arkansas legislature designated funds to the Arkansas Humanities Council (AHC) for a grant program devoted to researching and preserving African-American cemeteries in the state. Individuals and organizations receiving these grants were encouraged to provide information on the cemeteries for the Arkansas Archeological Survey’s archeological site database. Survey research station archeologists assisted those applying for grants by serving as humanities scholars. While this special grant program no longer exists, the AHC continues to provide support for organizations interested in cemetery preservation.

Cemetery associations across the state have received Arkansas Humanities Council minigrants for cemetery preservation and documentation, fencing, and gravestone repair. Arkansas Archeological Survey archeologists have assisted by recording cemeteries as archeological sites, and by advising cemetery groups on best practices. In some cases, we have assisted cemetery groups with mapping cemeteries. In other cases, we have provided information on how to recognize unmarked graves so that cemetery associations can create their own maps using community volunteers.
The Arkansas Archeological Survey works with the Arkansas Humanities Council, the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program, and private groups like the Preservation of African American Cemeteries, Inc. to provide preservation assistance and educational resources. If you have questions about cemeteries in Arkansas, read our Cemetery Preservation web page and contact our Cemetery Preservation Coordinator, Ms. Kathleen Cande (479-575-3556).