Head and shoulders photo of Director Alex W. Barker


The Director leads all Survey efforts in the pursuit of archeological research, preservation, and public education. Dr. Alex W. Barker became the new Director on January 1, 2022.

Dr. Alex W. Barker
email: barkeraw@uark.edu
phone: 479-575-3556

Arkansas Archeological Survey
2475 N Hatch Ave
Fayetteville, AR 72704

Photo of State Archeologist Dr. Mel Zabecki

State Archeologist

The State Archeologist supervises all aspects of the Survey’s public archeology program, including site and project records, educational outreach and publications, cooperation with state and federal agencies, and coordination with the Arkansas Archeological Society.

Dr. Melissa Zabecki
email: mzabeck@uark.edu
phone: 479-575-6550

State Archeologist
Arkansas Archeological Survey
2475 N Hatch Ave
Fayetteville, AR 72704

Portrait of Shavawn Smith, Assistant Director for Fiscal Affairs


Assistant Director for Fiscal Affairs

The Assistant Director for Fiscal Affairs works with the Director on annual budget preparation and is responsible for day-to-day management of all fiscal matters.

Shavawn Smith, MA
email: shavawn@uark.edu
phone: 479-575-6538

Arkansas Archeological Survey
2475 N Hatch Ave
Fayetteville, AR 72704

Portrait of Dr. Michelle Rathgaber, Educational Outreach Coordinator

Educational Outreach Coordinator

The Educational Outreach Coordinator works with Survey professional staff to develop educational materials and programming for a wide variety of audiences, including avocational archeologists; students and teachers; visitors to libraries, museums, state parks, and other venues; and the general public.

Dr. Michelle Rathgaber
email: mmrathga@uark.edu
phone: 479-575-3556

Educational Outreach Coordinator
Arkansas Archeological Survey

2475 N Hatch Ave
Fayetteville, AR 72704

Portrait of NAGPRA Coordinator Sarah Shepard

Registrar's Office & NAGPRA Coordinator

The Registrar’s Office maintains all Survey site, project, photographic, collection, and digital records; updates information in the AMASDA database system; and assists qualified users with access to Survey information resources.

Sarah Shepard, MA

email: shepards@uark.edu
phone: 479-575-6552

Arkansas Archeological Survey
2475 N Hatch Ave
Fayetteville, AR 72704

The NAGPRA Coordinator works to maintain the Survey’s compliance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act by engaging in tribal consultation in order to repatriate and keep an updated inventory of all ancestral remains and funerary objects; submitting Summaries to the National NPS office and preparing Federal Register publications.

Sarah Shepard, MA
NAGPRA Coordinator
email: nagpra@uark.edu
phone: 479-575-6552

NAGPRA Coordinator
Arkansas Archeological Survey
2475 N Hatch Ave
Fayetteville, AR 72704

Photo of Gillian Steeno

Society/Survey Liaison

The Liaison administers the Arkansas Archeological Society's daily management tasks, coordinates many programs and activities jointly operated by the Arkansas Archeological Survey and the Arkansas Archeological Society, such as the summer Training Program, Archeology Month, the Society's Annual Meeting, and other outreach activities.

Gillian Bjornen, MA
email: gillian@uark.edu
phone: 479-575-3557

Society/Survey Liaison
Arkansas Archeological Survey

2475 N Hatch Ave
Fayetteville, AR 72704

Portrait of Dr. Jami Lockhart, CSP Coordinator and Director of GIS & Remote Sensing

Computer Services Program

The Computer Services Program is responsible for all aspects of electronic information management, including systems administration, computer operations, equipment purchasing, research, instruction, and user support, in addition to maintaining a program of near-surface geophysical prospection for detecting buried features at archeological sites and a program for analytic GIS and mapping applications.

Dr. Jami Lockhart (Retired)
CSP Coordinator/GIS & Archaeo-Geophysical Research

email: jlockhar@uark.edu
phone: 479-575-3556

Deborah Weddle
IT Manager

email: weddle@uark.edu
phone: 479-575-3556

Computer Services Program
Arkansas Archeological Survey
2475 N Hatch Ave
Fayetteville, AR 72704

Portrait of Science and Technology Administrator John Samuelsen

Science and Technology Administrator

The Science and Technology Administrator designs and executes research on archaeological science and technology projects; collaborates with Survey staff and University of Arkansas faculty using geochemical (e.g., isotopic and trace elemental) methods; develops and maintains archaeological digital archives, databases, servers, systems, and interfaces; provides technical and GIS support for major Survey applications including AMASDA Online to federal, state, and local agencies and descendant communities; serves on student graduate committees and may teach classes; and serves as the Chief Information Officer (CIO) for IT security purposes.

Dr. John Samuelsen
email: jsamuel@uark.edu
phone: 479-575-6539

Science and Technology Administrator
Arkansas Archeological Survey
2475 N Hatch Ave
Fayetteville, AR 72704

Photo of Julia Fan

Publications Program

The Publications Program prepares and publishes manuscripts in the Survey's Research, Popular, and Technical Papers series; produces other hard copy materials including the Annual Report, project reports, brochures, fliers, and education materials; helps develop content for the website; supports the Arkansas Archeological Society by producing its newsletter Field Notes; and contributes to the Survey's social media applications.

Julia Fan, MA, MSc
Publications Editor

email: juliaf@uark.edu
send purchasing inquiries to: archpubs@uark.edu
phone: 479-575-3556

Arkansas Archeological Survey
2475 N Hatch Ave
Fayetteville, AR 72704


Digitization Specialist

The Survey's Digitization Specialist works with staff to develop digitization plans of their hardcopy materials and implements those plans for material preservation and accessibility.

Tommie N. Cotton, MSc
Digitization Specialist

email: tncotton@uark.edu

Digitization Specialist
Arkansas Archeological Survey
2475 N Hatch Ave
Fayetteville, AR 72704

Portrait of Rachel Tebbetts, Photographic and Graphic Arts Support

Photographic and Graphic Arts Support

Visual documentation is an essential part of archeology. This is supported at the Survey by an in-house Graphic Artist who maintains an archive of photographic images, creates graphics including maps, diagrams, and illustrations, prepares video edits, and photographs artifacts and events. The Graphic Artist provides services to the research stations, all Coordinating Office programs, and the Arkansas Archeological Society.

Rachel Tebbetts
email: rtebbet@uark.edu
phone: 479-575-3556

Arkansas Archeological Survey
2475 N Hatch Ave
Fayetteville, AR 72704

Portrait of SRP Archeologist Kathy Cande

Sponsored Research Program

The Sponsored Research Program works with various state and federal agencies to develop collaborative research programs involving the study of archeological sites in Arkansas, provides assistance to local governmental entities across the state, and contributes expertise to Survey projects across the state.

Kathy Cande, MA
email: kcande@uark.edu
phone: 479-575-3556

Sponsored Research
Arkansas Archeological Survey

2475 N Hatch Ave
Fayetteville, AR 72704