UAPB Station Archeologist Emily Bartz
The Pine Bluff research station is located on the UAPB campus. The station archeologist teaches courses in the UAPB Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences. The station is responsible for the archeological resources of eight counties of east-central Arkansas, extending from Little Rock to the Mississippi River. This territory encompasses portions of diverse physiographic regions including the Delta, the Gulf Coastal Plain, and the Ouachita Mountains. The archeological heritage of the area includes sites representing the entire temporal sequence, from the earliest Paleoindians at about 11,500 B.C., through Colonial and Historic Arkansas. The best-known site in station territory is Menard-Hodges in the Osotouy Unit of Arkansas Post National Memorial. Menard-Hodges is part of a complex of sites thought to include the Quapaw village of Osotouy and the earliest Arkansas Post, which was the first European settlement in what became France’s Louisiana colony.
Emily R. Bartz recently joined the Arkansas Archeological Survey as the UAPB Station Archeologist. Succeeding the work of Dr. Andrew Beaupré, Emily plans to leverage her experience in the study and re-creation of ancestral food practices and cooking technologies to further public interest and participation in archeology and local history within the Pine Bluff station area.

Contact Us

Emily Bartz, UAPB Station Archeologist
Email: ebartz@uark.edu


Dr. John H. House, Station Archeologist (retired)
Email: jhhouse@uark.edu

Arkansas Archeological Survey
P.O. Box 4814, UAPB
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
